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C.O.M.E 盆底肌训练器

  • 最低起批量:30 盒

产品介绍: C.O.M.E 盆底肌训练器。

  80101 COME Pelvic floor muscle trainer

COME 盆底肌训练器

COME 是一个自然简单,独立方式来强化锻炼盆底肌肉组织的系统。COME具有特性:弹性对抗力、理想的解剖学设计、严格的卫生舒适安全标准、通过生物反馈综合指标和独立贴合尺寸。COME就像卫生棉条一样简单易用。科学证明,加强盆腔肌肉可以帮助缓解尿失禁,姿势问题,分娩后的各种不适,并可以很大限度地让您享受爱爱。

COME is the revolutionary system to strengthen the pelvic musculature in a natural, simple, discrete and effective way. COME is characterized by the following unique qualities: elastic resistance, ideal anatomical design, the highest standards for hygiene and comfort, biofeedback control through the integrated indicator and a discrete compact size. COME is as simple to use as a tampon. It has been scientifically proven that a strengthened pelvic musculature can aid in alleviating urinary incontinence, posture problems, discomfort experienced after giving birth and can maximize the possiblity of achieving an orgasm.

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