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2019/6/4 14:21:04 ChinaSexQ.com 发表评论 评论小图标 浏览: 来源:性商网编译 举报
德国高端情趣用品Satisfyer与美国纽约性文化博物馆(Museum of Sex)达成合作,LGBT6月(自豪月)活动期间在博物馆内展示新款振动玩具。


这次活动于6月5日上午正式启动,持续到6月底。性文化博物馆(纽约第五大道233号)将有一个Satisfyer Vibes展示柜,并且在6月30日星期日中午开始的LGBT自豪游行活动中发放Satisfyer振动器作为礼品。

本次活动将重点关注新推出的Satisfyer Vibes系列玩具,采用柔软天鹅绒质地设计,人体安全硅胶制成。Satisfyer独特的“柔性技术”让用户从震动器根部到尖端都感受到振动,精致的外观形状设计、和强劲持久的电池续航能力让用户充满期待。

此外,博物馆将于6月12日下午3点至7点举行一场活动,以纪念国家爱情日,客户可以在此了解更多有关Satisfyer Vibes系列振动玩具的信息,以及如何获得多重混合性高潮。

在性文化博物馆网站页可以购买到Satisfyer Vibes、Luxury系列以及Satisfyer Pro 2等畅销产品。


每年6月是美国的“自豪月”(Pride Month),前美国总统奥巴马于2011年设立,用来唤醒人们对同志、双性恋、变性等群体(LGBTQ)的关注。


NEW YORK — Satisfyer has partnered with Museum of Sex for Pride Month in June.

The partnership will focus on Satisfyer’s newly launched Satisfyer Vibes collection, a colorful range of products designed with a soft-velvety texture made of the body-safe silicone. Satisfyer’s unique "flex-technology" allows vibrations to be felt from root to tip with a flexible full silicone body bearing a powerful motor, and a nuanced shape.

The campaign, which officially kicks-off the morning of June 5 and will run throughout the month of June, will include the creation of a Satisfyer Vibes window display at the Museum of Sex (located at 233 Fifth Ave.) in the corner window on 27th and 5th Ave. The Museum of Sex team will also be giving out Satisfyer vibrators during the NYC LGBT Pride March on Sunday, June 30 starting at noon.

Additionally, the Museum of Sex and Satisfyer will have an in-store event in honor of National Loving Day on June 12 from 3-7 p.m. where customers can learn more about the Satisfyer Vibes line and how to achieve a blended orgasm.

Satisfyer will be sold on the Museum of Sex website and in-store, and will have a dedicated product display highlighting the new Satisfyer Vibes and Luxury collection as well as other best-sellers like the Satisfyer Pro 2.

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